Benefits of using pet therapy in healthcare

Pet therapy influences the spirit-mind-body interconnectedness in so many ways!

There are many benefits of using pet therapy in healthcare. Here are a few described in the literature:

•The facilitation of communication and social interactions

•To facilitate the expression of feelings

•To brighten mood and affect and lessen anxiety

•To help to explore grief and loss issues

•To help to improve reality orientation

•To help to improve the ability to cooperate

•To increase the ability to trust

•To help learn appropriate forms of touch

•To help to improve self-esteem and self worth

•To provide an opportunity to show affection

•To learn new skills

•To aid relaxation

•To create a homelike environment

•To enhance motivation

King, 2007

As you can see, many of these benefits are therapeutic goals which we joinly set with our clients, especially in mental health, learning disabilities and physical rehabilitation. Therapy pets can support clients and therapists in healthcare to meet their goals. If you would like to try using pet therapy in healthcare, contact us.

King (2007) Animal-Assisted Therapy, A guide for professionals counselors, school counselors, social worker and

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